About the factory

Our office and production facilities are located in Saint Petersburg. We launched our first innovative heated textile plant back in 2016. Today, our company occupies more than 2 000m2. We have advanced modern equipment, a warehouse, a laboratory for development and product testing, and a zone of engineering control. Our products are manufactured according to the ISO 9001:2015 and meet international safety and quality standards.

Разработка и производство медицинских приборов

Одним из направлений деятельности фабрики является производство медицинских приборов для косметологии и массажа. Каждый продукт проходит полный цикл: от идеи, дизайна, массового производства, контроля качества и клинических испытаний. Российское конструкторское бюро размещает заказы на фабрике, рассчитывая на собственные производственные мощности, а также на крупных заводах высококачественного сырья в Китае.

Infrared heating

The heated carbon fiber generates beneficial heat in the long-wave infrared spectrum, as close as possible to the heat of the human body. Infrared heat dilates capillaries in the body, which greatly improves blood circulation and boosts our immune system.

Our background

Our office and production facilities are located in Saint Petersburg.

We launched our first innovative heated textile plant back in 2016. Today, our company occupies more than 2 000m2. We have advanced modern equipment, a warehouse, a laboratory for development and product testing, and a zone of engineering control. Our products are manufactured according to the ISO 9001:2015 and meet international safety and quality standards.

Safety and quality control

The items are equipped with temperature sensors that automatically turn off the device in case of overheating. Mechanical details and controllers are tested for impact resistance and quality of elements spike. All materials, component parts and finished goods pass the automated quality control for any defects before the launch. The controllers feature timers that automatically turn off plugged-in device after selected time.


Фабрика и вся производимая продукция соответствуют международным стандартам качества, что подтверждает сертификат ISO 9001:2015. Кроме того, вся производимая нами продукция имеет сертификаты соответствия, подтверждающие ее высокое качество и безопасность. Также наша продукция соответствует европейским требованиям, предъявляемым к бытовым нагревательным изделиям.

The office

We have 2 offices. One of them serves as a conference room, while the other is a workspace. We value comfort, which is why all the furniture for our office space was ordered from a small home workshop. Usually, a team of 3-6 people works here at the same time.

Electrical area

The electrical area takes up almost one third of the main room. Here we insert wires, connect products and remote control panels.

Cloth-cutting area

We cut out bedclothes with a machine. Small and shaped pieces are cut out on a table the area of which is comparable to a small studio apartment — 25 square meters. There are almost no store-bought tables in our production areas. We make them ourselves. First of all, it is cheaper. Secondly, it gives us the freedom to choose specific shapes and dimensions.


While perfect order is maintained at production site, the laboratory is a creative area. It stores an infinite number of samples, experimental blanks, test equipment and everything without which no product whatsoever can be created.

Quality control area

The quality control area is a dedicated space for the final check and packaging of our products. From here they are sent to the warehouse before shipment to the stores. Each product undergoes testing, all data is displayed on screens. The screen turns red in case of any quality deviation.

Cooperation with ENERLEK LLC

We will develop a product from scratch according to your requirements and wishes.